Setting up a Workspace for ROS2 & QNX

Preferable host OS: Ubuntu 20.04

1- Clone the template workspace:

git clone

This workspace contains the necessary setup, toolchain file and build script to cross compile for QNX.

2- Add your packages inside dev_ws/src

3- Set the value of ROS2_HOST_INSTALLATION_PATH inside according to the location of ROS2 installation is on your pc

4- Run the build command:


5- On target create a new directory for your group of packages:

mkdir /opt/dev_ws

6- Copy your packages over to the new location

scp -r ~/dev_ws/install/x86_64/* <user_name>@<ip_address>:/opt/dev_ws

7- Add the following commands at the end of the file /etc/.profile on your target:

export COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX=/opt/ros/foxy
. /opt/ros/foxy/
export COLCON_CURRENT_PREFIX=/opt/dev_ws
. /opt/dev_ws/

8- Log out and log in back into new a terminal

9- Run your newly installed packages.

ros2 run my_new_package my_new_package_executable